
Вэб-технологии в бизнесе - Web-Technology in Business (Медведев М.А.)

Ограничение времени обучения: Без ограничений
Тип: Дистанционный

О курсе

Перечень образовательных программ, для которых используется курс
38.04.05 Международный электронный бизнес
Описание условий освоения курса

The discipline is included in the variable part of the study plan (module "Information technology in e-business") and includes learning the basics of creating dynamic web applications and dynamic websites. It explores issues such as infrastructure of data processing, basic software requirements for different applications of processing data streams in real-time, the basic rules of processing threads. Discusses issues of the server-side programming, processing of user data on the web server, data transfer over the network, the main approaches in programming on the server side, API operating systems, methods of data visualization in real-time, content management systems. Also discusses methods of security of web applications and websites in real-time.

Skillful use of various web technologies in the enterprise allows achieving maximum business performance. Today the knowing of web technologies is an important aspect for successful operations of the enterprise.

An important part of the course is the topic of Content management Systems (CMS). There are many different CMS in today's market. This situation makes the choice between different CMS systems very difficult. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the fundamental differences between content management systems.

The main goal of using CMS is provision and organization of collaborative process of creating, editing and content management.

One can place the most different kinds of content in the CMS: text, photo and video materials, phone numbers, scientific information and any other information. CMS is often used for storing, modifying, viewing and publishing of documentation. One of the main advantages of CMS is version control, when multiple users change the content. Skillful use of the content management system definitely will affect the profits of the enterprise.

Today enterprises are increasingly using various web technologies for doing business. Therefore, the knowing of web technologies and principles of their use is important instrument to improve the efficiency of doing business.

 Directions and training programs:

-  Business Informatics (program "International electronic business";

-  Applied Informatics (program “It innovations in the business”, “Applied Informatics in analytical and computational economy”).

 Forms of education:

-  full-time, part-time, correspondence.

 Technologies and techniques of training:

1. Traditional and distance learning technologies.

2. Mixed technology for students of full-time study.

3. Independent study of the course and individual modules.

4. Organization of the simultaneous learning of multiple disciplines in computer class.

5. The organization of regular interaction with students in the learning process through e-learning system "HyperMethod" and using synchronous and asynchronous mode of communication with the student. Gradual and successive formation of educational activities with elements of problem and project-based learning is supposed.

Владелец курса
Преподаватель УрФУ
Описание результатов обучения
  1. Ability to select a certain type of CMS and the DBMS for specific objectives
  2. Ability to apply skills to creation data processing architecture of system.
  3. Ability to analyze large volumes of web information.
  4. Ability to install server components for the development of web applications.
  5. Ability to resolve problems associated with a variety of API.
  6. Ability to install CMS Joomla
  7. Ability to identify optimal solutions for the design and development of a web-site.
  8. Ability to apply skills of operation as administrator of the website.
  9. Ability to use software for the analysis of consumer activity.
  10. Ability to apply methods of statistic collection and the analysis of actions of web site visitors.
  11. Ability to apply technologies of visualization data in real time.
  12. Ability to effectively use the various components of the CMS system Joomla.
  13. Ability to create content for the web site.
  14. Ability to use software to detect spyware in a web application..
  15. Ability to apply skills of administer and manage of the website users.